Home Developments Women in Matobo District celebrate Women’s day

Women in Matobo District celebrate Women’s day

by Fiona Mpofu
Nelisiwe Masipula from ward 17, cooking isitshwala sonyawuthi at the competition.

Women in Matobo District recently celebrated the International Women’s Day at Mabonyane Business center.

The celebrations were commemorated under the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.”

This year’s celebration was complemented by a cooking competition that saw women showcasing different traditional dishes that keep their families healthy.

One of the participants Fortunate Dube of ward 9 in Zamadube village highlighted that she joined the competition to showcase her cooking skills and knowledge of nutritious traditional foods.

“I prepared isitshwala from rapoko (uphoko) meal which is a grain that helps one fight various diseases, this was served with tripe (ulusu) a good source of protein and iron,” said Fortunate.

Another participant Mangwenya of ward 6 Sigangatsha village highlighted that she served a light meal that requires minimum effort to prepare.

“I boiled white maize grain, to this l added a yellow water melon (ijodo), this dish can be served as breakfast or a light meal before super or after dinner,” added Mangwenya.

Speaking to Matobo Youth Development Initiative (MYDI) reporter, programmes officer in the Ministry of youth Matobo District office, Mrs Ncengani Ncube highlighted that the day was set aside to celebrate young, free women who now have the power to take up opportunities.

Ncube added that such occasions were also important as they are now used as means of passing down traditional culinary knowledge. “Women have to be equipped with cooking skills as the previous channels of sharing information, that is the aunties who used to train the nieces is slowly diminishing,” said Ncube. @umthaphi

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Descent April 15, 2024 - 12:57 pm


MaEnter April 16, 2024 - 12:11 pm

Great indeed.


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