Home News Cooking lessons for kids during school holidays

Cooking lessons for kids during school holidays

by Correspondent
Beatrice Malaba with kids in one of her cooking lessons.

KIDS in Maphisa Growth Point have been provided an opportunity to learn basic cooking skills at a restaurant popularly known as MaBee’s Kitchen.

Beatrice Malaba, the owner of a restaurant, has started providing cooking lessons for kids between the ages of 7 to 15 years during school holidays.

She said the idea of providing cooking lessons for kids is because her passion for being a chef started at an early age.

“When I was growing up, it was something out of the ordinary to aspire to be a chef, my parents could not understand, but I was determined to succeed.”

I want these kids to explore something different, especially in a professional kitchen so that they see how we make some of our dishes.

The cooking lessons usually take three hours, and the kids learn how to make pizza, cupcakes, burgers, and sandwiches.

This is good for the kids especially during the school holidays so that they can be preoccupied with doing something productive.

Beatrice says she has hopes that the kids can also be motivated to become entrepreneurs in the future.

“I want them to make their own pizzas and cupcakes and then they sell them, that way, they can have a motivation of being our future entrepreneurs” she said.

She says she has received feedback from one of the parents who suggested that she should give the kids certificates for cooking lessons.

“I like the idea and I think by next holidays I will have created a learning tool so that the kids can learn basic cooking skills, cooking equipment and the general safety in the kitchen” Malaba said.

Most rural schools lack the platforms for practical learning because of lack of resources to acquire the equipment and tools that are needed for learners to utilize. The school curriculum offers a wide range of learning areas but because of lack of resources particularly in rural schools, they fail to get the practical experience.

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1 comment

Rejoice April 16, 2024 - 11:21 am

Well done Matobo district, well done Beatrice, keep going ,the sky is the limot


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