Home News How Humphry’s innovative approach in agriculture is changing the game in rural Zimbabwe.

How Humphry’s innovative approach in agriculture is changing the game in rural Zimbabwe.

by Correspondent

by Andile Thebe

Humphry spraying tomato plants

Meet Humphry Moyo, a proud young farmer who is satisfying the needs of people in his community and beyond with products from his small plot.

He has been producing horticulture products since October 2023 in Matobo district, Ward 8, Tshiphisani village after he noticed a shortage of vegetables in his area.

“The agricultural products that I harvest from my land has helped me take care of my family,” said Moyo.

He said the gains have assisted him to pay his bills such as school fees for his kids and has ensured he expands his

Humphry adding manure to boost soil fertility

The harvest that comes from Moyo’s land includes maize, tomatoes, carrots, cabbages and onions which are the most consumed products in his community.

Humphry’s knowledge lies in the wisdom of the local farmers in the community as he has been an attentive
student, absorbing invaluable insights from seasoned farmers.

This blend of traditional knowledge and modern farming techniques has been instrumental in his success.

“I seek expertise from the local farmers as I have noticed that they hold knowledge that has been gained from experience be it of traditional or modern methods of producing crops,” he explained.

Moyo underlined that all sectors have their own challenges, and he has had to deal with his own fair share where his tomato crop was affected by the winter frost.

“In winter, I used a sail to try and protect my tomatoes however, due to the low temperatures some were affected,” said Humphry Moyo. “I was also affected by aphids and to deal with this I used ash and at times pesticides.” He added.

Humphry envisions a future where his farm is a catalyst for economic growth and youth empowerment in the region.

His goal is to expand his operations and create sustainable employment opportunities for the local community and he has already taken the first steps, employing five people on a part-time basis.

“There is a need for entrepreneurs to work together and complement each other’s efforts and to acquire more skills on leadership,” stressed Moyo.

Humphry is an entrepreneur who is enrolled in the Young Entrepreneurs of Zimbabwe Arise (YEZA) program, which seeks to nurture and support young people in business by offering business management trainings, financial literacy support and avail opportunities for growth.

Cabbages produced by Humphry

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